The process of making the audio documentary
We have chosen to film our audio documentary with all of the group talking as we feel a variety of this dialogue will avoid boredom as well as display all of our ideas and opinions. We have done this very ordinarily and just read out the questions and answers, as variety and depth was added once it was edited.
Firstly, our group had to cut out any unwanted footage, and order it correctly in relation to the questions.
Our group then planned to synchronise this with stills of the programmes and technologies that we used. An example of this is when we mentioned the ancillary tasks, there was a still of the our Digipak layout. This avoids boredom and we found this was effective as it corresponds with the audio documentary. as well as this the visual style enhances the documentary.
Secondly, we have added actual footage from our music video. When talking about the video and conventions in the audio documentary, actual footage is useful in supporting this and displaying what we have said.
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