Although the above video is not of the indie/rock genre, it still is similar to our initial ideas in the following ways:
- It is a gradual start, which is resembled in our ideas, with a gradual and slow start to the narrative.
- Main focal point is the lead singer/singers getting ready for performance initially.
- Performance based which consists of a big audience with lots of lights, and a positive, cheerful atmosphere is created.
Ideas For The Video
Ideas for the story
- We intend to synchronise the slow start to the music with a gradual build up to the visuals.
- Initially, there is no guitar and drums playing for the first 40 seconds. We hope to occupy this time by having visuals on the band getting ready in the house with parallel editing with the lead singer preparing for the gig, all this whilst listening to the same song on his i pod dock. Then, for the 10 seconds with only the band playing, we would have them performing in the band.
- When the leads singer kicks in, that's when the audience start walking in, which will be synchronized with the band playing.
- Ending on the lead singer waking up, as if a dream, however with the abandoned house still messy and dirty.
- Lyric- visual relationships as lyrics are 'drinking under he tables'. 'Reading the newspaper'.
- More narrative rather than abstract.
The location of our video would have to correspond with the genre conventions of an indie/rock music video. These conventions consist of a performance based theme, that is often a live performance, however usually at an amateur setting. Therefore, our location would have to fit the amateur gig style of the genre, so to achieve this, locations of a run down shed, a garage or an abandoned house would need to be strongly considered.
Here are a few locations that our group have strongly considered :

- This location would be ideal for our video. Being an abandoned shed, we feel that it would benefit our video as it would create a good atmosphere and it links together with the conventions of the genre as an amateur gig style which is again performance based.
- The garage is similar to the shed in that it portrays the qualities we intend to show, for example it is isolated, and also the setting is seen as amateur and therefore would be perfect for a band's location, to hopefully gain a climatic feel as the song builds up.
- This abandoned house would be useful for the group, as it is isolated, and also the location could potentially include a huge audience, with its reactions to the live performance of the band. It would also aid the party atmosphere.
They will be wearing general indie clothing such as skinny jeans, waistcoats and check shirts. Beer bottles and instruments will be a significant part of our video. Also, strobe lights and glow sticks will be used for the audience as objects, which will enhance the performance based theme.
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